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Saki (咲希) is a character in Yasuke. She is the adopted daughter of Ichika who was rescued from Abraham as an infant. She possesses incredible mystical powers with the potential to rival the Yami no Daimyō as the villain's natural counterbalance.


Saki is a young girl with long brown hair and brown eyes. She is always depicted wearing a pink outfit with a yellow sash adorned with a green leaf pattern. While traveling, she wears a purple sash.

As Saki slowly realizes her powers, her appearance changes as she uses them. Originally, she would release a bright blue-white flash of light from herself, but as she acquired her powers and used them, her eyes would shine blue and she would glow with a gentle teal color. Additionally, a butterfly-shaped energy would form near her chest, around where Ichika’s pendant would lie.


Saki is originally shown to be a frail, bedridden girl under Ichika‘s care, often pacifist in nature.

As she slowly begins to grasp her abilities, she becomes more just and upstanding, although quite childish and naïve in doing so.

After she defeats Abraham, she becomes very close with Yasuke, allowing her virtuous and adamant personality to shine. She is very kind and protective of others, willing to sacrifice herself for the lives of others if need be.

After the Daimyo is overthrown, she fully realizes her abilities, but is able to live a normal childhood with Ichiro and his family.


Saki has become ill and usually stays in home in bed. Ichiro visits her, telling that he wasn't able to land a hit on Yasuke, but will do it next time. He gives her his bokken and asks her to swing it, but she ends up using mysterious power and breaks it. Her mother, Ichika, returns and seeing that Saki becomes weaker, decides it time to take her to a special doctor. They asks Yasuke to take them with his boat, who initially refuses, but later agrees.

While traveling with the boat, they get attacked by four mercenaries. In the battle, Ichika loses her left arm and seeing that Saki activates her power and knocks everyone out. She later wakes up near the river, but only Yasuke is there. He takes her back at their village, explaining that they don't know who or where the doctor is.

Saki using her power

Saki using her power

When the mercenaries come looking for her, she manages to hide, but as they approach, she uses her power and levitates. She manages to escape and hide in a wagon full of fish, fooling Nikita sense of smell. Saki runs in the forest, where she meets Ichiro, who tells her that he knows that Yasuke killed her mother, however, Saki tells him that Abraham is the bad one and that Yasuke didn't kill Ichika. As she recalls the events, she incidentally unleashes her power and knocks out Ichiro and then run scared.

Nikita and Haruto end up finding her, but she binds them with her powers and forces them to take her to where Abraham is. She uses Haruto's freeze to neutralize Achoja and Ishikawa and then fights Abraham. For a moment she feels weak, and Abraham manages to capture her and starts electrocuting her. Yasuke manages to free himself and helps Saki, who then lifts a giant cross and kills Abraham.

In the morning, Yasuke wishes to take Saki somewhere safe, however Saki insist they go visit the doctor, Morisuke. Learning of his name, Yasuke realizes Saki's ilness is a side effect on her power manifesting and Morisuke can help her by training her. Yasuke reveals he knew Morisuke from the past and that he earned the title of "the Doctor" in battle, as he attacks with surgeon's precision. He agrees to take her to Morisuke, but will travel by land and not by river.

Yasuke and Saki reach a village, where the villagers are being beaten by Kurosaka's men, who are looking for them. Saki asks Yasuke to save them and Yasuke kills the men. Kurosaka appears fights Yasuke, who leads her into the forest, giving Saki chance to escape. As Kurosaka was about to kill Yasuke, Saki appears and breaks the blade with her power. Seeing how powerful Saki is, Kurosaka runs away. Yasuke comments she saved him yet again. Saki states she doesn't need protection as she has superpowers, but didn't want to travel alone.

Yasuke and Saki reach another village, initially no one knows Morisuke, but Yasuke notices his men and wait for them to take him to Morisuke. Morisuke reveals that Yasuke is a legendary samurai, which surprises Saki. Yasuke states that Saki has powers, stronger than even Morisuke. Using his powers, Morisuke throws wood planks, but Saki blocks them. He then throws a bokken, but Saki breaks it into pieces and then combines it again. Morisuke is surprised of her power and everyone including him bow to Saki.

Yasuke decides to leave Saki to Morisuke, but as he leaves the village, he sees the Dark Army. Yasuke informs Morisuke about the approaching Dark Army led by the Dark General and they prepare they final stand. Saki feels pain in her head and Morisuke explains that the Daimyo is reaching out to her on the Astral Plane and that Saki's power can rejuvenate the Daimyo and she can live for another century. Morisuke believes that the Daimyo is using the Dark General as a conduit to connect to Saki's mind. Morisuke states he will assist, but Saki must fight against the Daimyo herself and enters the Astral Plane.

Morisuke finds Saki in the Astral Plane and explains he will help her, but it will hurt. The Daimyo also appears and Morisuke fights her while protecting Saki. Morisuke tells Saki that the Daimyo is absorbing her into her astral force and when complete, Saki's power will become the Daimyo's and Saki will cease to exist. Morisuke explains he doesn't have to power to save her, but she can save herself with her own power. He explains she is connected to all living things and needs to free her mind and focus. As Saki does, she sees the battle between Yasuke and Mitsuhide and removes the Daimyo's power from Mitsuhide. Saki then frees herself in the Astral Plane and attacks the Daimyo, who seeing that Saki learned the life force, decides to retreat.

The mercenaries Achoja, Haruto, Nikita and Ishikawa join the battle and help Yasuke's side. As they win the battle, Achoja asks about their payment. Morisuke wonders what they mean and Achoja explains that Saki contacted them in their heads and told them they will be paid double if they come and help. As bigger army is approaching Morisuke leads Yasuke and the rest to a secret passage. Yasuke wants to go and kill the Daimyo, but doesn't want Saki to come with him. Morisuke states that Saki is their only hope and that she manages to drive the Daimyo away from the Astral Plane. Yasuke agrees and leaves with Saki.

Yasuke and Saki approach Azuchi Castle. Yasuke attacks a power armor mech and Saki uses her power to make him attack his comrades. Moments later the army starts fighting between themselves and Yasuke uses the moment to carry Saki across the battlefield, while cutting down opponents. They reach the only bridge leading to Azuchi Castle, but a giant mech stands in their way, while troops are behind them. Saki lifts the mech and throws it behind them, breaking the bridge and defeating their opponents.

Yasuke and Saki enter the Azuchi Castle, and Saki states the Daimyo is everywhere. Yasuke hides Saki and goes to look around. The Daimyo sneaks behind him and hits him with her magic. Yasuke awakens, hallucinating, he sees Iga monster soldiers and starts cutting them down. He then sees Nobunaga Oda ghost who tells him he is there to help him defeat the Daimyo and asks him to follow him, leaving Saki to wonder to who he is speaking. He follows the ghost up the stairs and finds Nobunaga still alive, but in pieces. Nobunaga, in reality the Daimyo, tells him that he needs to free him and kill Masako Hojo, the Daimyo. Saki also reaches the top and Nobunaga tells Yasuke that Saki is the Daimyo. Seeing her as the Daimyo, Yasuke rushes towards her, drawing his blade. Saki blocks Yasuke's attacks, she holds him and the Daimyo tells her she must kill him to stop him. Saki refuses to kill her friend and stops fighting, but before piercing her, Yasuke stops as he sees Natsumaru in Saki's place as she repeats words told by Natsumaru. He realizes this is some sort of trick and turns around and attacks Nobunaga, who then turns to the Daimyo and retreats.

Saki fully awakens

Saki fully awakens

The lights goes off and the Daimyo returns as a large monster. Yasuke suggests they fight it together and Saki surrounds Yasuke with her power. Yasuke fights the Daimyo, but she eventually outpowers them. Achoja also loses the battle against the monster and they prepare to be killed. The Daimyo decides to absorb Saki, however Yasuke protects her with his body. The Daimyo pierces his chest and engulfs Saki in a cocoon and starts absorbing her power. A light comes from Yasuke to Saki and she emerges from the cocoon with butterfly wings and instantly defeats the Daimyo.

Saki is happy that they won, but then sees the dead Yasuke. While crying over his body, she ends up activating her magic, which heals him and brings him back to life. Saki feels she is no longer sick. The weak Daimyo tells her that won't last for long as soon she will want more and more and will need the whole world to sustain her. But Saki states she isn't like her and she has friends. The Daimyo asks Yasuke to finish her off, but he states the people will decide her fate. Saki and Yasuke return to Morisuke and see Achoja happy as he has been paid tons of gold.

Yasuke and Saki return to their village, where the villagers welcome them as they are happy Saki took down the Daimyo. Ichiro's father offers Saki to stay at their place, which makes her happy. Yasuke states this isn't his home, but will stay a while until Ichiro's training is complete. Saki gives him Ichika's necklace, telling him to return it one day when she is older.

Power & Abilities[]

Absolute Psionic Physiology: Unlike most of the other psychics we see present in the show. Saki is by far the most powerful of her kind. Seeing how a prophecy even foretold of her coming. And even showing how her abilities kept growing stronger and stronger so much it caused to be ill.

Levitation: Saki was shown to levitate during when the mercenaries came looking for her. Shown during episode 3.

Reconfiguration: This ability was shown on two occasions. One, when Saki dismembered the blade Kurosaka, had intended to use to stab Yasuke. Second, when Morisuke uses his abilities to lift a sword causing Saki to deconstruct and reconstruct the blade.

Weapon Enhancement: During the last battle, when Saki and Yasuke, face off the Daimiyo. Saki was shown to empower and enhance Yasuke sword and attacks. And even engulfed her own aura on to his body covering his armor and strengthening his attacks,yet again.

Aura Manipulation: At the base of all her powers the blue aura she gives off is seen the most. During the the entire series every time Saki was shown to use her abilites a blue aura would always form around her.

Telekinesis: During the whole series Saki used telekinesis the most. As shown in the 3 episode when Saki, first used her ability to throw heavy objects during the fight with Abraham. And on other occasions when she lifted a mecha robot along with Nikita.

Force-Field Generation:

Life Force Manipulation: This ability is different from all the rest. Meaning that Saki, is able to learn and develop different abilities. For , example learning how to tap into any life force and strengthening her abilities even further.

Butterfly Physiology: This ability can also be dubbed as one one of her special abilities as well. After being trapped in the cocoon the daimyo planned to trap her in, Saki was shown to emerge with butterfly wings.

Reanimation: An last minute surprise at the end of the series. Also an ability she doesn't quite have any control but seemed to respond to her emotional state. And even was able to heal Yasuke and bring him back to life.

Telepathy: This ability was demonstrated during the fight with the Dark general. When Saki, contacted Achoja, and the others in their heads. And promised them if they came to help they would be paid double their rate.

Energy Blasts: Last but not least, the generic energy blasts that she channels through and releases.


  • The name Saki means "blossom" (咲) (sa) and "hope" (希) (ki).